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 1. Courtney Roberts  Is Zorastorism the Root of the Western World's Religions?  SS2005-02-27 
 2. Exodus Ministries - Newsong Church, San Dimas, CA  World Religions Part 1  www.exoduspodcasts.com 
 3. Dave Cresswell  World Religions 5: Buddhism  World Religions 
 4. Exodus Ministries - Newsong Church, San Dimas, CA  World Religions Part 4  www.exoduspodcasts.com 
 5. Harold Netland  Globalization: Theology of Religions in a Globalizing World  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 6. Michael Fisher  Cults and World Religions - Session 2 - Overview  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 7. Allama Ibrahim Yusuf  The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ among the Religions of the World  Jesus Christ-His Uniqueness,Life,&Teaching 
 8. Allama Ibrahim Yusuf  The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ among the Religions of the World  Jesus Christ-His Uniqueness,Life,&Teaching 
 9. Michael Fisher  Cults and World Religions - Session 1 - Introduction  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 10. Harold Netland  Globalization: Theology of Religions in a Globalizing World  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 11. Michael Fisher  Cults and World Religions Session 7 - Jehovah's Witnesses  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 12. Michael Fisher  Cults and World Religions - Session 6 - Christian Science  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 13. Grant Beran  Here at the Western World  The Another Ones 
 14. Blitzen Trapper  Sleepytime in the Western World  Furr   
 15. Sousa Band  The dwellers in the Western world  Edison Amberol: 807 
 16. Blitzen Trapper  Sleepytime in the Western World  Furr   
 17. Cyril Cusack, Siobhan McKenna, and cast  The Playboy of the Western World  The Playboy of the Western World 
 18. The Shaky Hands  Fire In The Western World  2008-10-28 - Hi-Dive, Denver, CO 
 19. Keith James & Rick Foot  Life in a Western World  Postcards 
 20. Radio Hell  Children of the Western World  Hell Force One 
 21. Joe Payne - James Prigmore  The Playboy of the Western World  Pioneer Theatre Company 
 22. The Shaky Hands  Fire In The Western World  2008-10-28 - Hi-Dive, Denver, CO 
 23. Blitzen Trapper  Sleepy Time in the Western World  2009-02-24 - The Bug Jar  
 24. Midwest City High School Band  New World Symphony Western and Finale  97-98 
 25. Midwest City High School Band  New World Symphony Western and Finale  97-98 
 26. Carnegie Endowment for Internal Peace - Moscow  The State of Democracy in the World and the Western Efforts to Promote It: Why Has Progress Stopped?  Carnegie Endowment Podcast 
 27. Jack Clark  153-Global Overview: As The Third World Continues To Fight Against Western Economic Exploitation, Obama's A Mixed Bag, The Right Still 100% Wrong  Blast The Right 
 28. City Club of Cleveland  June 20, 2006 featuring Richard D. Cochran, President and CEO, Western Reserve Land Conservancy, Our Regional Vision: Preserving the Land of the Western Reserve  City Club Podcast 
 29. Pastor Ed Regensburg Faith Community Church  What About All Those Religions?  Hard Questions That Often Keep People From God 
 30. FBC  Nov 8 - Why So Many Religions?   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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